ISolverMathProgramInstance::DoMpsSolve Method

Solve a MPS or LP file.

virtual void DoMpsSolve(
    _LONG_T options, 
    _LONG_T int_param[], 
    double dbl_param[], 
    size_t int_stat[], 
    double dbl_stat[], 
    _LONG_T filename_len, 
    _TCHAR * filename, 
    _LONG_T create_sol_file
) = 0;
_LONG_T options 
If 1 then at least one of the solver related options has changed and the solver should retrieve these changed options by calling the GetChangedOptions method before actually solving the problem 
_LONG_T int_param[] 
The integer problem parameter array of size IntegerMathProgramInfo::IPARAM_MAX, indexed over the IntegerMathProgramInfo enumeration 
double dbl_param[] 
The double-valued problem parameter array of size DoubleMathProgramInfo::DPARAM_MAX, indexed over the DoubleMathProgramInfo enumeration 
size_t int_stat[] 
The integer solution status array of size IntegerMathProgramStatus::ISTAT_MAX to be filled by the solver after solving the problem, indexed over the IntegerMathProgramStatus enumeration 
double dbl_stat[] 
The double-valued solution status array of size DoubleMathProgramStatus::DSTAT_MAX to be filled by the solver after solving the problem, indexed over the DoubleMathProgramStatus enumaration 
_LONG_T filename_len 
Length of file name 
_TCHAR * filename 
Name of the MPS or LP file 
_LONG_T create_sol_file 
If 1, let solver create a solution file 

The DoMpsSolve method has no return value. Instead the status is returned via the int_stat and dbl_stat output arguments.

The DoMpsSolve method is called by AIMMS to request a solver to solve a MPS or LP file. If a solver is able to solve a MPS or LP file the implementation of this method should include the following tasks:

  • Retrieve changed option settings.
  • Pass name of MPS or LP file to the solver.
  • Call the solver to actually solve the problem.
  • Pass solution information regarding the solving process back to AIMMS.

  1. The DoMpsSolve method will only be called by AIMMS if the capability flag SolverCapability2::CAPAB2_SOLVE_MPS is set in the GetInitialInfo method.
  2. AIMMS will not attempt to retrieve the solution from the solver.

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