ISolverInfo::GetInitialInfo Method

Provides initial information of the solver.

virtual _LONG_T GetInitialInfo(
    _LONG_T info_int[], 
    double info_dbl[], 
    char * msg
) = 0;
_LONG_T info_int[] 
The integer info parameter array of size IntegerSolverInfo::IINFO_MAX, indexed over the IntegerSolverInfo enumeration 
double info_dbl[] 
The double-valued info parameter array of size DoubleSolverInfo::DINFO_MAX, indexed over the DoubleSolverInfo enumeration 
char * msg 
If the initialization of the solver fails then an error message can placed in the buffer pointed by msg. The message should not be longer than AOSI_MAX_ERROR_LEN including the terminating '\0' character. 

The GetInitialInfo method should return AOSI_FAILURE if the initialization was successful, else it should return AOSI_SUCCESS (in which case AIMMS will show a solver initialization error to the user).

The GetInitialInfo method should provide the following information to AIMMS:

  • The version number of the included header file AimmsOSI.h.
  • Information about the solvers capabilities.
  • Some basic information about the solver options.
  • The values used by the solver for special numbers (like INF).
If the solver needs to be initialized by calling some kind of initialization function, then that function should be called from this method.

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