IAimmsMathProgramInfo::GetChangedOptions Method

Get information about modified options.

virtual void GetChangedOptions(
    _LONG_T * no_int, 
    _LONG_T ind_int[], 
    _LONG_T opt_int[], 
    _LONG_T * no_dbl, 
    _LONG_T ind_dbl[], 
    double opt_dbl[]
) = 0;
_LONG_T * no_int 
The actual number of modified integer options. 
_LONG_T ind_int[] 
Array of indices of modified integer options. The length of this array must be at least equal to the number of general integer solver options (IntegerGeneralOption::IOPT_MAX) plus the number of solver specific integer options. 
_LONG_T opt_int[] 
Array of values of modified integer options. The length must be similar to ind_int
_LONG_T * no_dbl 
The actual number of modified double options. 
_LONG_T ind_dbl[] 
Array of indices of modified double options. The length of this array must be at least equal to the number of general double solver options (DoubleGeneralOption::DOPT_MAX) plus the number of solver specific double options. 
double opt_dbl[] 
Array of values of modified double options. The length must be similar to ind_dbl

The GetChangedOptions method does not have a return value.

The GetChangedOptions method is used to get information about modified options from AIMMS. These options include the solver specific options as well as the general solvers options. The solver specific options have positive indices as provided in the methods GetIntegerOption and GetDoubleOption. The general solvers options have a negative index, and the complete list of these options is given by the IntegerGeneralOption and DoubleGeneralOption enumerations.

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