ISolverInfo Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ISolverInfo.

The ComplementarityType enumeration describes the possible methods used by AIMMS to transform the complementarity data before passing it to the solver. 
The DoubleSolverInfo enumeration describes all double-valued parameters that provide AIMMS with information about the solver. It is used in the info_dbl argument of the GetInitialInfo method. 
The IntegerOptionInfo enumeration describes integer parameters that provide AIMMS with information about a solver option. It is used in the optinfo argument of the GetIntegerOption method and in the optinfo argument of the GetDoubleOption method. 
The IntegerSolverInfo enumeration describes all integer parameters that provide AIMMS with information about the solver. It is used in the info_int argument of the GetInitialInfo method. 
The OptionValues enumeration describes parameters that provide AIMMS with information about the range of a solver option. It is used in the values argument of the GetIntegerOption method and in the values argument of the GetDoubleOption method. 
The SolverCapability enumeration describes a set of flags with possible solver capabilities. 
The SolverCapability2 enumeration describes another set of flags with possible solver capabilities. 
This is ~ISolverInfo, a member of class ISolverInfo. 
This is CreateMathProgramInstance, a member of class ISolverInfo. 
This is Delete, a member of class ISolverInfo. 
Provides the name of an option category. 
Provides information for a double-valued option. 
Provides the name of the solver help file. 
Provides initial information of the solver. 
Provides the keywords for an integer option with keywords. 
Provides information for an integer option. 
Provides the name of the solver status file. 
Provides basic information about the solver options. 
Provides the version number of the solver. 
Provides basic information of the solver. 
Called by AIMMS to shutdown the solver. 
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