IAimmsMathProgramNonLinearEvaluator::EvaluateRow Method

Evaluate a nonlinear row.

virtual _LONG_T EvaluateRow(
    _LONG_T row_no, 
    double point[], 
    int new_point, 
    double * val
) = 0;
_LONG_T row_no 
The row number. 
double point[] 
Double-valued array containing the point of evaluation. The length of the array should match the total number of columns. 
int new_point 
The new point indicator. If this argument is set to 0, then AIMMS ignores the point argument and uses the same point as in the previous call to the method. If set to 1, then AIMMS will use the point information passed to point
double * val 
A pointer to the location where the function value is returned. 

The EvaluateRow method returns the number of domain (evaluation) errors that occurred while calculating the function value.

The EvaluateRow method is used to let AIMMS evaluate a nonlinear row. AIMMS will also calculate the linear part of the row if the capability flag SolverCapability::CAPAB_EVAL_LIN_PART is set in the GetInitialInfo method, else AIMMS will only calculate the nonlinear part.

  1. The performance of EvaluateRow increases if AIMMS can use the same point as in the previous call. Therefore you should use the setting new_point=0 as much as possible.
  2. The total number of columns in the model is equal to the value of parameter IntegerMathProgramInfo::IPARAM_COLS, as passed to the DoSolve method.

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