IAimmsMathProgramInfo::StoreKBestSolution Method

Stores a solution in the solution repository.

virtual int StoreKBestSolution(
    double * lev, 
    int k
) = 0;
double * lev 
A double-valued array containing the level values of all columns. The length should be equal to the value of IntegerMathProgramInfo::IPARAM_COLS, as passed to the DoSolve method. 
int k 
A nonnegative integer value specifying the position in the solution repository. 

The StoreKBestSolution method returns AOSI_FAILURE if the solution could not be stored or if a solution with the same level values was already stored in the solution repository, otherwise it returns AOSI_SUCCESS.

The StoreKBestSolution method stores a solution at the k-th position in the solution repository of a (generated) math program.

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