IAimmsMathProgramInfo::SetMatrixOrder Method

Tells AIMMS how data should be passed to the solver.

virtual void SetMatrixOrder(
    _LONG_T type_flag
) = 0;
_LONG_T type_flag 
Bit field that specifies which matrix order should be used. Flags are taken from the MatrixOrder enumeration. 

The SetMatrixOrder method does not have a return value.

With the SetMatrixOrder method you can tell AIMMS whether you want to retrieve the matrix in a row-wise or column-wise order in subsequent calls to the GetMatrixData method. 


In addition, this method must also be called if you want to reread the entire row (using GetRowData), column (using GetColumnData) and/or matrix data (using GetMatrixData).

By default, if you do not make a call to the SetMatrixOrder method, the GetMatrixData method will retrieve the matrix elements according to a row-wise ordering.

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