IAimmsMathProgramInfo::GetRowColumnName Method

Retrieves the name of a column, row or model.

virtual void GetRowColumnName(
    _LONG_T type, 
    _LONG_T number, 
    char * name, 
    _LONG_T * len
) = 0;
_LONG_T type 
The type of the attribute which name has to be returned, taken from the IdentifierName enumeration. 
_LONG_T number 
In case the attribute is a column or row, the sequence number of that column/row. 
char * name 
Buffer to hold the name of the requested column, row or model. 
_LONG_T * len 
On input, the initial length of the supplied buffer name. On return, the length of the returned string without '\0', or -1 if the string is truncated. 

The GetRowColumnName method does not have a return value.

The GetRowColumnName method can be used to retrieve the name associated with a column or row of the coefficient matrix, or the name of the model. This offers the solver the possibility to display errors with more meaningful names.

The user should use the numbering convention as reported to AIMMS, i.e., use the Fortran convention if the capability flag SolverCapability::CAPAB_FORT_CONV has been set in the GetInitialInfo method.

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