IAimmsMathProgramInfo::GetLazyRows Method

Get rows corresponding to a lazy constraint.

virtual _LONG_T GetLazyRows(
    _LONG_T maxnzcnt, 
    _LONG_T * nrows, 
    double * lb, 
    double * ub, 
    _LONG_T * rmatbeg, 
    _LONG_T * colind, 
    double * coef
) = 0;
_LONG_T maxnzcnt 
The maximum number of non-zero matrix elements to retrieve. 
_LONG_T * nrows 
A pointer to the location where the number of rows (corresponding to lazy constraints) is returned. 
double * lb 
Array with the lower bounds of the rows. This argument may be NULL. 
double * ub 
Array with the upper bounds of the rows. This argument may be NULL. 
_LONG_T * rmatbeg 
Array with the index of the beginning of each row in the arrays colind and coef. This argument may be NULL. 
_LONG_T * colind 
Array with the column numbers of the matrix elements. This argument may be NULL. 
double * coef 
Array with the values of the matrix coefficients. This argument may be NULL. 

The GetLazyRows method returns the actual number of matrix elements retrieved.

The GetLazyRows method is used to get information about rows that correspond to lazy constraints from AIMMS. You can retrieve all data in one call or retrieve it block-wise in consecutive calls.

  1. If maxnzcnt is smaller than the total number of non-zero matrix elements then you request for a block-wise retrieval, and you must call GetLazyRows repeatedly, until all non-zero matrix elements are retrieved.
  2. A safe size for the arrays lb, ub and rmatbeg is the value of IntegerMathProgramInfo::IPARAM_LAZY_ROWS, as passed to the DoSolve method. A safe size for the arrays colind and coef is the value of IntegerMathProgramInfo::IPARAM_MAX_ELEM_LAZY multiplied by the value of IntegerMathProgramInfo::IPARAM_LAZY_ROWS, as passed to the DoSolve method.
  3. If the capability flag SolverCapability2::CAPAB2_SEP_SPEC_ROW is set in the GetInitialInfo method then rows corresponding to lazy constraints will not be passed by AIMMS through the GetRowData method. In that case the GetLazyRows method should be used.

The method IsLazyRow.

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