IAimmsMathProgramInfo::GetComplementData Method

Get complementarity couples.

virtual _LONG_T GetComplementData(
    _LONG_T max_no, 
    _LONG_T col_no[], 
    _LONG_T row_no[]
) = 0;
_LONG_T max_no 
The maximum number of complementarity couples to retrieve. If this number is smaller than the actual number of complementarity couples, you must call this method repeatedly to retrieve them all. 
_LONG_T col_no[] 
Array with the column numbers of the complementarity couples. The length of this array must be at least max_no
_LONG_T row_no[] 
Array with the row numbers of the complementarity couples. The length of this array must be at least max_no

The GetComplementData method returns the actual number of complementarity 

couples retrieved.

The GetComplementData method is used to get information about the complementarity couples in the model. It only applies to MCP and MPCC models.

  1. Column col_no[i] is the complement of row row_no[i].
  2. The total number of complementarity couples in the model is equal to the value of IntegerMathProgramInfo::IPARAM_COMPL_COUPLES, as passed to the DoSolve method.

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