IAimmsMathProgramInfo::GetColumnStart Method

Pass starting information for the columns.

virtual _LONG_T GetColumnStart(
    int max_no, 
    double level[], 
    _LONG_T basis[]
) = 0;
int max_no 
Number of columns for which the level values should be retrieved. Normally this is equal to the number of columns in the model. 
double level[] 
Array with level values for the columns. Length must be at least max_no. This argument may be NULL. 
_LONG_T basis[] 
Array with basis for the columns. Length must be at least max_no. This argument may be NULL. 

The GetColumnStart method returns the minimum of max_no and the number of columns in the model.

The GetColumnStart method can be used to pass starting information (level values and basis) for the columns.

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