General support functions

Besides the functions that are described briefly in the preceding sections, there are a number of general support functions. 

The function GetVersion, when called by AIMMS, should return the version number of the solver. This number will then be used in the About AIMMS menu option. 

With the functions AllocateMemory and FreeMemory the solver can allocate and free memory from the AIMMS memory manager. 

With the function PassMessage warning and error messages can be passed to the AIMMS message window. 

The function GetRowColumnName can be used to retrieve the name associated with a row (constraint) or a column (variable). This function can also be used to get the name of the model. With these names it is possible to construct more meaningful error messages than would be possible by only referring to row and column numbers. 

The function GetEnvironment can be used to retrieve the value of special environment variables that have been set by AIMMS. 

The function Shutdown is called when the solver DLL is no longer needed. The function should free all the resources allocated by the solver.

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