
The AIMMS SDK Server is distributed in two flavors: a Windows Installer executable and for Linux a .tar.gz package.


Once you've downloaded the installation executable you can install the SDK Server by double clicking it. 

Installation of the AIMMS SDK Server requires administrator rights because it will install itself as a Windows Service application. 

After a successful installation you should immediately be able to connect to the AIMMS SDK Server in your AIMMS SDK project(s), see Running a remote Session



After downloading the .tgz package, you should extract this package anywhere you like, e.g:

tar xvfz aimmssdk-server-

Next you can start the aimmssdk-server manually by entering the created folder:

cd aimmssdk-server-


./aimmssdk-server start

This will start the aimmssdk-server (daemonized) using the current user account, and you should be able to connect to the AIMMS SDK Server in your AIMMS SDK project(s), see Running a remote Session


Stopping the aimmssdk-server is done by:

./aimmssdk-server stop


If you wish to install the AIMMS SDK server as a system service you should move/extract the sdk-server files to an appropriate directory and edit the (upstart script) aimmssdk-server accordingly.