ISolverMathProgramInstance::FindIIS Method

Provides the number of rows and columns in the irreducibly inconsistent set (IIS).

virtual void FindIIS(
    _LONG_T * no_rows, 
    _LONG_T * no_cols
) = 0;
_LONG_T * no_rows 
The numbers of rows in the IIS 
_LONG_T * no_cols 
The numbers of columns in the IIS 

The FindIIS method has no return value.

The FindIIS method is called by AIMMS to request a solver to return the number of rows and the number of columns in the irreducibly inconsistent set (IIS). If the solver does not support IIS or in case of an error, the value 0 should be returned for both parameters.

If the FindIIS method returns successfully (i.e., no_rows or no_cols has a positive value), AIMMS will allocate the memory that is needed to store the rows and columns in the IIS and subsequently call the GetIIS method.

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