IAimmsMathProgramInfo::GetFilter Method

Get rows corresponding to a filter constraint.

virtual _LONG_T GetFilter(
    _LONG_T * row_no, 
    double * lb, 
    double * ub, 
    _LONG_T len, 
    _LONG_T * nzcnt, 
    _LONG_T col_no[], 
    double val[], 
    double refval[], 
    _LONG_T * is_range
) = 0;
_LONG_T * row_no 
A pointer to the location where the row number is returned. This argument may be NULL. 
double * lb 
A pointer to the location where the lower bound is returned. This argument may be NULL. 
double * ub 
A pointer to the location where the upper bound is returned. This argument may be NULL. 
_LONG_T len 
Length of the col_no, val and refval arrays. 
_LONG_T * nzcnt 
A pointer to the location where the number of non-zero elements in the row is returned. This argument may be NULL. 
_LONG_T col_no[] 
Array with column numbers of the row elements. Length must be at least len. This argument may be NULL. 
double val[] 
Array with the values of the row elements. Length must be at least len. This argument may be NULL. 
double refval[] 
Array with the reference values of the row elements. Length must be at least len. This argument may be NULL. It is only filled if the row corresponds to a diversity filter. 
_LONG_T * is_range 
A pointer to the location where the filter indicator is returned. If its value is 1 then the row corresponds to a range filter and otherwise to a diversity filter. This argument may be NULL. 

The GetFilter method returns 1 if a next row corresponding to a filter constraint was found, and 0 otherwise.

The GetFilter method returns the data for one row corresponding to a filter constraint.

  1. The first time the GetFilter method is called it will return the data of the first row corresponding to a filter constraint. The next call will return the data for the second row corresponding to a filter constraint, and so on. This method should be called until the data of all rows corresponding to a filter constraint is obtained (i.e., until this method returns 0).
  2. A safe size for the arrays (i.e., for len) is the value of parameter IntegerMathProgramInfo::IPARAM_MAX_ELEM_FILTER, as passed to the DoSolve method.

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