IAimmsMathProgramCallback::RunCallback Method

Call AIMMS to run a user-defined callback procedure.

virtual _LONG_T RunCallback(
    _LONG_T flags, 
    _LONG_T prog_int[], 
    double prog_dbl[]
) = 0;
_LONG_T flags 
A bit field indicating which callback situation occurred. The flags are specified in the CallbackInfoFlag enumeration. 
_LONG_T prog_int[] 
Array of size IntegerCallbackInfo::CB_IMAX, indexed over the IntegerCallbackInfo enumeration, containing integer valued callback progress information. 
double prog_dbl[] 
Array of size DoubleCallbackInfo::CB_DMAX, indexed over the DoubleCallbackInfo enumeration, containing double-valued callback progress information. 

The RunCallback method returns a value from the InterruptReturnStatus list.

By calling the RunCallback method you allow AIMMS to run a user-defined callback procedure. In such a procedure the user can monitor the solution process. Before a solve, AIMMS calls the method to indicate at which moments it expects the solver to run this callback. Possible moments are:

  • n iterations have passed.
  • Change of state, e.g., from infeasible to feasible.
  • New integer solution found.
  • New incumbent found.
  • After selecting a branch.
  • After solving a subproblem to allow the user to call a heuristic.
  • After solving node problem to allow the user to add user cuts.

For more information on user defined solver callbacks, see Section Suffices and callbacks of the Language Reference.

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