ISetData Class

Represents the data of a set in the AIMMS model. 

Set data objects can be created using openSet on the ISession.

class ISetData : virtual public IData;
The following tables list the members exposed by ISetData. 
Public Methods
Adds a, possibly new, element to the set and all its supersets. Returns the element number. 
Adds the specified labels to this set and all its supersets. 
Determines whether the set contains the element, provided as an IElement or string or integer label. 
Creates an IElement associated with the set of this ISetData.
Verifies that the underlying root set of the IElement is applicable on this set. The current value is not considered.
Creates an ISetIterator to iterate through the data of this ISetData.

Also initializes the iterator: Moves the current position to before the beginning of the data; a subsequent next call will find the first element.  
Deletes an element from the set and all its subsets. 
Inserts the specified labels into this set and all its supersets. The set itself (and all its subsets) are emptied first.