IMultiDimData Class

An object that represents the data of a multi-dimensional identifier in the AIMMS model. 

Non-scalar data objects can be created using openMultiDim on the ISession

Reference to multi dimensional data in the AIMMS model.

class IMultiDimData : virtual public IDataView;
The following tables list the members exposed by IMultiDimData. 
Public Methods
Creates an IFilter based on the index domains of this data, such that it can be used with the openView and/or createIterator methods.
Creates an iterator to iterate through the filtered data. By default, 100 tuples are cached.
The identifier is cleaned up upon creation of the iterator.

Also initializes the iterator: Moves the current position to before the beginning of the data; a subsequent next call will find the first non-default position.  
Opens an IDataView on this multidimensional data.
Synchronizes this data with the corresponding identifier in the AIMMS model. Flushes all modifications (including the index domains) on this data and all its views and waits for it to finish.