Tuning configuration settings

The IConfig class can be used to alter various settings that influence the transfer speed between AIMMS and your SDK application. Although the default settings should be fine for most scenarios, you might want to experiment with tuning these variables to optimize the performance in your specific situation.

The IConfig allows you to assign and retrieve the properties MaxFlush, MaxBufferSize and MaxTransmitSize. The effects of these parameters are also influenced by the way you use the IMultiDimData.sync, IDataView.flush and ISession.updateData methods, see also the Optimizing performance section.

For each identifier, the SDK buffers a certain amount of changes until a global maximum of MaxBufferSize (by default 32 MB) is reached. When reaching this maximum, the SDK enforces flushing all identifiers towards the AIMMS host application and waits for this operation to complete. 

The MaxTransmitSize (by default 1 MB) is used as a maximum buffer size (per identifier). Once this maximum transmit size is reached, the SDK will immediately flush this buffer towards the AIMMS host application, without waiting for the operation to complete. Depending on your network properties, increasing or decreasing the MaxTransmitSize may lead to better performance. 

MaxFlush denotes the maximum number of flushes allowed, that have not yet been processed by the AIMMS host application. A high value of MaxFlush might lead to errors that arrive back too late from the AIMMS host application. Settings this value too low, might lead to performance degradation when there are changes to many identifiers.