Providing the AIMMS image

This topic is only relevant for AIMMS version 4.3 and beyond. 

Providing the appropriate AIMMS images to the AIMMS SDK server is a relatively straightforward process, but it does involve several steps. 


First obtain either an AIMMS PRO package or an AIMMS executable. You probably want to use the PRO packages since they are smaller. You can use any zip program to extract either the AIMMS PRO package or the AIMMS executable. A freeware program like 7-Zip is suitable for the job. For example, take the 64 bit version of AIMMS PRO


Open the package using 7-Zip and use the Extract button to extract the content to

C:\ProgramData\AIMMS\AIMMS SDK Server\Aimms\x64\aimms43

where the 'aimms43' can be any name that is convenient for you: 


and press OK. After extracting you can open your SDK session using the URI:


where the 'aimms43' should be the same as the folder-name you extracted to.