ISession Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ISession.

Public Methods
Empties all buffers, enabling the session to close without further errors.
Flushes all buffers, closes the connection with the model and invalidates all objects still open (elements, tuples, iterators, references to data and procedures).  
Flushes all buffers and closes and invalidates all open references to data, tuples, elements and iterators. As opposed to the close method, IProcedures and the ISession itself will remain in a valid state. This method allows a more fine grained control on the memory used by the SDK during a procedure run and the synchronization of the data afterwards.
Returns the configuration settings associated with the ISession.  
Opens and creates an IData object that represents the data of the AIMMS identifier with the provided name.
Opens and creates an IMultiDimData object that represents the data of the multidimensional AIMMS identifier with the provided name.
Opens and creates an IProcedure object that represents the AIMMS procedure with the provided name.
Opens and creates an IScalarData object that represents the data of the scalar AIMMS identifier with the provided name.
Retrieves the set with the provided name.
Replaces the prior callback with the given ICallback. This can be used to gain more control over the way errors are handled.
Flushes all outstanding buffers to AIMMS and synchronizes the open SDK objects with the data in AIMMS.